Emotional Badass Podcast
Where Moxie Meets Mindful
Regularly ranked in the top 100 of Mental Health Podcasts. Psychotherapist Nikki Eisenhauer,
M. Ed, LPC, LCDC, discusses mental health, recovery, and emotional wellness tools for everyday life. New episodes are released every Sunday.
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Hosted by Nikki Eisenhauer M.ED. LPC, LCDC, International Life Coach and Psychotherapist, Licensed Professional Counselor, Yoga and Meditation Teacher. Emotional Badasses are survivors, thrivers, seekers, healers, HSP’s, and empaths! Expand and awaken to your higher purpose, be more present and authentic, find strength in spirituality, quiet the monkey mind of modern society with a weekly wellness podcast, spiritual tips, healing lessons of wisdom, meditations, mantras, and interviews.
Connect deeply with yourself and safe others. In this mental health podcast, we let go of what doesn't serve us to heal old wounds, find our voice guilt-free, and learn to be the hero in our own story. Embrace guerrilla self-care, and laugh with lightness on the personal development, and mental health path.
This podcast is designed to mindfully be the emotional education so many of us crave, and where we learn to love ourselves without apology. Emotional Badass is where Moxie Meets Mindful. To get exclusive episodes visit our Patreon.
Top 10 in Mental-Health
Top 50 in Health & Fitness
Top 1000 Podcasts of All Time on iTunes
Downloaded in over 100 countries
🏆Semifinalist Health | People's Choice Podcast Awards 2020
Nikki Eisenhauer is an International Life Coach, Licensed Professional Counselor, and Psychotherapist, from New Orleans. She continues building a global healing community on the podcast 'Emotional Badass’, downloaded in over 100 countries and ranked in the top 10 Mental Health podcasts on iTunes in 2020. Nikki was recently featured as a mental health professional on the nationally syndicated TV show, ‘The List’. Learn More
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Part of the Airwave Media Podcast Network
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Episode Tags
- ADD 1
- Abuse 14
- Alcohol 3
- Anger 9
- Bullying 5
- Childhood 37
- Codependency 7
- Covid 4
- Crystal Catalina 4
- Depression 15
- Detachment 2
- Disassociation 4
- Emotions 73
- Existentialism 2
- Faith 1
- Family 25
- Fatigue 4
- Focus 3
- Gratitude 11
- Grief 10
- Guilt 2
- Healers 7
- Healing 51
- High Sensation 4
- Hope 1
- Hypervigilance 7
- Introverts 6
- Lonliness 7
- Love 3
- Manifesting 5
- Manipulation 19
- Men 1
- Mindfulness 38
- Money 10
- Music 3
- Nutrition 2
- Overthinking 8
- PTSD 11
- Parenting 12
- People Pleasing 7
- Perfectionism 6
- Pets 4
- Relationships 12
- Resiliency 12
- Sadness 1
- Self Esteem 16
- Self Love 11
- Self Respect 1
- Self-Care 24
- Sex 1
Redefining Mother's Day: A Personal Journey of Maternal Relationships
We navigate the complexities of relationships, particularly the mother-child dynamic. We delve into personal experiences and professional insights, spotlighting the emotional minefield of Mother's Day and discussing healing through the lens of Maya Angelou's 'Letter to My Daughter.'
The Power of Play: A Path to Healing Anxiety, Depression, and PTSD
Despite living in an information age, the healing we seek is often found in doing rather than thinking. Embracing playfulness and silliness is not only a way to heal a fried nervous system, but it also helps us transition from a survival mindset to a thriving one.
From Pain to Power: Overcoming the Effects of Rageful Parenting
While most parent strive to provide a safe and nurturing environment, some parents are emotionally abusive and react with anger, frustration, and rage at their children. This creates a hostile home environment that leaves a lasting impact on a childs emotional well-being.
Considerations in Healing Post Abuse Part 2
Childhood sexual abuse is something I want to discuss more about because most people, even most mental health professionals, avoid or dodge it. One of the reasons is because we don’t have great dialogue around sex in general. In our American society, we have very mixed messages about puritanism and over-the-top sexuality.
Tantrums and the Inner Child
The wisdom of a natural child's tantruming release. Helping to heal childhood trauma and emotional neglect through permission for the body to release emotion vs. stuffing it down and controlling it. We look at the the peril in trying to control emotion vs. release it in a healthy way.
Scapegoating and Dealing with Narcissistic Traits
What many of us are dealing with is having grown up in heavily critical and negative households and circumstances and personalities and that leave us with low self worth and esteem. Innerchild work meets us in the psychological spots where we are stuck, stunted, and lost.
Our Next Pay it Forward for the Next Generation
In this week's episode, Nikki discusses how to give children the opportunity to build the emotional muscles that help them navigate the world, build critical thinking, confidence, empathy, self worth, connection to community, empowerment, resiliency, and self respect---the very things that make them depression and anxiety resistant.
In Loving Memory of Thich Nhat Hanh
In loving memory of Thich Nhat Hahn, one of my spiritual fathers. I share some of his wisdom from my favorite book of his, Reconciliation: Healing the Innerchild. He was a master at teaching us how to mature and love ourselves.
A Personal Story of Childhood, PTSD, and Fences
I share a story from my childhood, discuss how our mental health struggles develop and model a simple soul care inner-child dialogue. I briefly discuss Dissociative Identity Disorder, too.
The Mermaid Meditation
In this week's episode I'm discussing emotional blackmail and coercion as it relates to Covid and the current political narrative. A confronting episode for our human egos. We cover a lot today, respect, codependency, victim mentality, cult tactics, peer pressure, and manipulation.
The Inner Child's Experience with Codependency
In this week's episode I give voice to the inner child's experience of codependency. In healing we find permission to reparent our inner-selves to grow self worth. Cultivating balance, compassion, gratitude, boundaries and soft place to fall.
The Healing Power of Patience
We examine patience as the missing peace in HSP healing, growing emotional intelligence, and becoming a safe place to fall for our adult and child selves.
Grampa's Backyard, Oprah's Lemons, Wonder and Simplicity
Wonder and simplicity are available to all of us. These are powerful tools of lightness, joy, and peace that can (believe it or not!) slow down the experience of time to make us feel as if we have more. These tools help us increase the quality of each moment of living. This is healing. This is growth. This is thriving. Light and love and wonder.
Explanations for HSP Children
Communication holds much of our connection. In this week's episode we explore the art form of communication from adult to child or adult to inner child through curiosity, hope, empathy, love, sharing, seed planting, sensory memory, and silly goose-ing (a Nikki-ism, for sure.) Light and love, Nikki
Age, Maturity, Wisdom, and Reality Testing
Awakenings mature us, force listening & expansion that turns into wisdom. Other human beings help us trust reality & our experience. As we mature, old ideas of youth have fallen away, ideals replace reality. In healing, we learn to accept the inadequacies & immaturity of others & ourselves while we grow into more adequacy, efficacy, & responsibility. By therapeutically providing a positive energy & lessons for our inner children, we fill in our voids, & maturity expands
Adverse Childhood Experiences On the Seekers Path
Many of you have probably heard of the ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences Study.) Here, I break down the emotional and psychological effects of each adverse childhood experience, which completely muck up our natural, healthy boundaries and limits. Because of those experiences, we end up working a lifetime to re-calibrate them. This is one of the main reasons I teach the boundaries course. There's still a few days to sign up at: https://www.emotionalbadass.com/boundaries
Older and younger, dysfunctional families, boundaries, approval
Exploring the Book Toxic Parents by Susan Forward Overcoming their hurtful legacy and reclaiming your life, levels of dysfunction, healing and boundaries.
The Concept of Waiting and Checking in with your Inner Child
So. I want to offer a check in with your inner child and a sneaky little powerful trigger for HSPs and Survivors within this pandemic. If you grew up with uncertainty, emotional/physical neglect, spiritual disconnection, high tension, high fear, high stress, and feel a general sense in life of waiting for the other shoe to drop, then I'm feeling called to create this episode for you. For exclusive episodes visit https://www.patreon.com
Separating Love and Trust - An Examined Life
Nikki discusses Dynamics of Love, Trust, Trauma Bonding, Addiction, hope, healing, childhood abuse, enmeshment, disentanglement, Stockholm syndrome, work ethic and workaholism, comfort vs. complacency, manipulation, security, earning trust, self respect, self trust.
Parentification, Resistance, Play, and the Inner Adolescent
Understanding why we resist what's healthy and how to speed up and maximize the potential of our healing work.
Our Courses
30 Days to Peace
If you feel like no matter how hard you try, peace and calm always seem just out of reach, you’re not alone
Actionable Soul Care Strategies
Tips, tricks, and videos of actionable steps and strategies you can implement to improve your mental health.
The Boundaries Course
Learn to create and maintain boundaries, to help cultivate peace and relieve stress.