Emotional Badass Podcast

Where Moxie Meets Mindful

Regularly ranked in the top 100 of Mental Health Podcasts. Psychotherapist Nikki Eisenhauer,
M. Ed, LPC, LCDC, discusses mental health, recovery, and emotional wellness tools for everyday life. New episodes are released every Sunday.

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  • Hosted by Nikki Eisenhauer M.ED. LPC, LCDC, International Life Coach and Psychotherapist, Licensed Professional Counselor, Yoga and Meditation Teacher. Emotional Badasses are survivors, thrivers, seekers, healers, HSP’s, and empaths! Expand and awaken to your higher purpose, be more present and authentic, find strength in spirituality, quiet the monkey mind of modern society with a weekly wellness podcast, spiritual tips, healing lessons of wisdom, meditations, mantras, and interviews.

    Connect deeply with yourself and safe others. In this mental health podcast, we let go of what doesn't serve us to heal old wounds, find our voice guilt-free, and learn to be the hero in our own story. Embrace guerrilla self-care, and laugh with lightness on the personal development, and mental health path.

    This podcast is designed to mindfully be the emotional education so many of us crave, and where we learn to love ourselves without apology. Emotional Badass is where Moxie Meets Mindful. To get exclusive episodes visit our Patreon.

    • Top 10 in Mental-Health

    • Top 50 in Health & Fitness

    • Top 1000 Podcasts of All Time on iTunes

    • Downloaded in over 100 countries

    • 🏆Semifinalist Health | People's Choice Podcast Awards 2020

  • Nikki Eisenhauer is an International Life Coach, Licensed Professional Counselor, and Psychotherapist, from New Orleans. She continues building a global healing community on the podcast 'Emotional Badass’, downloaded in over 100 countries and ranked in the top 10 Mental Health podcasts on iTunes in 2020. Nikki was recently featured as a mental health professional on the nationally syndicated TV show, ‘The List’. Learn More

  • Want to hear exclusive episodes not released anywhere else? Then check out our Patreon today and get immediate access to hundreds of hours of audio episodes, video livestreams, wellness tips, and become part of our community of seekers!

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Part of the Airwave Media Podcast Network

Mind/Body NIkki Eisenhauer Mind/Body NIkki Eisenhauer

Healing Through Music: Discovering Emotional Freedom in the Lyrics of Bird Talkers 'Heavy'

We delve into a powerful song that promotes healing and self-discovery, particularly for deeply emotional individuals, trauma survivors, and highly sensitive people; 'Heavy' by Bird Talkers. We discuss the importance of moving beyond the mental realm and embracing experience as a means to heal, addressing the roots of loneliness, and the necessity of becoming our own best friends.

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Addiction, Mind/Body, Interview NIkki Eisenhauer Addiction, Mind/Body, Interview NIkki Eisenhauer

The Normalization of Alcohol in our Society, an Interview with Casey McGuire Davidson

Meet Casey McGuire Davidson, a sober coach and host of the Hello Someday podcast. Casey is going to share her inspiring story, the steps she used to become sober and achieve awareness and support. Casey speaks to the struggle of coping with alcohol, and how it is so normalized in our society that we don't talk about it.

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Self-Care, Addiction, Mind/Body NIkki Eisenhauer Self-Care, Addiction, Mind/Body NIkki Eisenhauer

Conquer Unhealthy Habits with Dry January: 8 Step Guide to Success

I'm discussing the concept of dry January and how it can help you conquer unhealthy habits. This is an actionable tip to get real and honest about the role that unhealthy habits play on your body and mind. Dry January is an opportunity to take on a challenge and find your true self. It gives us a framework, a community, and a challenge.

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Mind/Body, Interview NIkki Eisenhauer Mind/Body, Interview NIkki Eisenhauer

The importance of mental health on a physical health journey

In This week's episode, Soul Care Coach Crystal Catalina and Nikki dive deeply into Crystal's expertise and journey on the importance of peace, presence, environment, celebrating progress and not perfection, and future self identity. Come hang out with both of us, participate by submitting a question for a Special Bonus Livestream at the $5 level at https://www.patreon.com/emotionalbadass Wednesday 8/24/22. Book with Crystal or get on Nikki's waiting list now at https://www.emotionalbadass.com/coaching

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Mind/Body NIkki Eisenhauer Mind/Body NIkki Eisenhauer

The Breathing Self

Simplifying mind body work is, I recognize sort of what I do. Getting to know ourselves by getting out of the mind and into the body--this is in large part where I believe healing and growth happens. I want to do this today by asking you to consider your relationship with your mind, your body, and spirit.

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Mind/Body NIkki Eisenhauer Mind/Body NIkki Eisenhauer

Visualizations to help with Overwhelm

In this week's episode Nikki goes deeper from the May Patreon livestream topic, Overwhelm, by sharing a few visualization techniques to take power back from overwhelm and respect the personal boundary of enoughness.

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Mind/Body NIkki Eisenhauer Mind/Body NIkki Eisenhauer

What if we Practiced Detachment?

I share a whole lot in this episode on my personal journey with detachment as a tool, breaking down how this important tool is necessary for maturity, peace, emotional freedom, healing and insecure attachment style. 

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Self-Care, Mind/Body NIkki Eisenhauer Self-Care, Mind/Body NIkki Eisenhauer

PTSD, Problem Focus to Solution Focus

In this week's episode we explore why it's easy to spin on and overthink any and every problem. Part of shifting from survival mode to thriving mode in PTSD recovery is cultivating a lens that helps us see solution more than problem. When we shift to a solution focus in our minds we respect our precious energy and direct that energy towards a can-do vs. can't-do mindset, from burdened to empowered. Listen til the end to share in our 4 year Emotional Badass Anniversary happiness!

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Mind/Body NIkki Eisenhauer Mind/Body NIkki Eisenhauer

Reasons you Might Feel Disembodied

Reasons for feeling disembodiment while exploring the idea that the body and mind communicate, relate, grow together. How the mind and body attempt to take care us and journaling questions to take this episode a little bit further.

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Self-Care, Mind/Body NIkki Eisenhauer Self-Care, Mind/Body NIkki Eisenhauer

The Pitfalls of Hypervigilance

We explore the pitfalls of hypervigilance & continued anger & outrage in advocacy, especially for people who are working to heal trauma & struggle to keep the body in a state of calm. To thrive as empaths we must understand how we react & take radical ownership over the state of our own mind-bodies. This year has shown me that the work of emotional boundaries & radical permission to do what's necessary to heal--even when it's unpopular--has never been more important.

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Mind/Body, Meditation NIkki Eisenhauer Mind/Body, Meditation NIkki Eisenhauer

The Space Between Meditation

Believe it or not, you don't suck at meditating! I hope this week's meditation episode helps you let go of frustration & resistance to meditating. This is a do less, be effortless, practice ease, and let go of effort-ing kind of meditation. This meditation will be a part of season 3 stripped down meditations available on the Emotional Badass store, release TBD. You can check out Season 1 & 2 right now if you want (Patreon members get our discount code) Light & love! https://www.patreon.com/emotionalbadass

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Meditation, Mind/Body NIkki Eisenhauer Meditation, Mind/Body NIkki Eisenhauer

Coping Strategy Meditation for stress management and flow

I'm excited to share with you a passage from a favorite healing book by Paulo Coelho, Warrior of the Light. It inspired a meditation I wrote to help us flow when life throws obstacles in our path. Most of us have heard the fun fact that our bodies are mostly water. I hope this episode and meditation help you feel how powerful you truly are and how you can learn to use your energy & power to flow around, through, above, below, and beyond.

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Our Courses

  • 30 Days to Peace

    If you feel like no matter how hard you try, peace and calm always seem just out of reach, you’re not alone

  • Actionable Soul Care Strategies

    Tips, tricks, and videos of actionable steps and strategies you can implement to improve your mental health.

  • The Boundaries Course

    Learn to create and maintain boundaries, to help cultivate peace and relieve stress.