Emotional Badass Podcast
Where Moxie Meets Mindful
Regularly ranked in the top 100 of Mental Health Podcasts. Psychotherapist Nikki Eisenhauer,
M. Ed, LPC, LCDC, discusses mental health, recovery, and emotional wellness tools for everyday life. New episodes are released every Sunday.
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Hosted by Nikki Eisenhauer M.ED. LPC, LCDC, International Life Coach and Psychotherapist, Licensed Professional Counselor, Yoga and Meditation Teacher. Emotional Badasses are survivors, thrivers, seekers, healers, HSP’s, and empaths! Expand and awaken to your higher purpose, be more present and authentic, find strength in spirituality, quiet the monkey mind of modern society with a weekly wellness podcast, spiritual tips, healing lessons of wisdom, meditations, mantras, and interviews.
Connect deeply with yourself and safe others. In this mental health podcast, we let go of what doesn't serve us to heal old wounds, find our voice guilt-free, and learn to be the hero in our own story. Embrace guerrilla self-care, and laugh with lightness on the personal development, and mental health path.
This podcast is designed to mindfully be the emotional education so many of us crave, and where we learn to love ourselves without apology. Emotional Badass is where Moxie Meets Mindful. To get exclusive episodes visit our Patreon.
Top 10 in Mental-Health
Top 50 in Health & Fitness
Top 1000 Podcasts of All Time on iTunes
Downloaded in over 100 countries
🏆Semifinalist Health | People's Choice Podcast Awards 2020
Nikki Eisenhauer is an International Life Coach, Licensed Professional Counselor, and Psychotherapist, from New Orleans. She continues building a global healing community on the podcast 'Emotional Badass’, downloaded in over 100 countries and ranked in the top 10 Mental Health podcasts on iTunes in 2020. Nikki was recently featured as a mental health professional on the nationally syndicated TV show, ‘The List’. Learn More
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Part of the Airwave Media Podcast Network
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Episode Tags
- ADD 1
- Abuse 14
- Alcohol 3
- Anger 9
- Bullying 4
- Childhood 37
- Codependency 7
- Covid 4
- Crystal Catalina 4
- Depression 15
- Detachment 2
- Disassociation 4
- Emotions 73
- Existentialism 1
- Faith 1
- Family 24
- Fatigue 4
- Focus 3
- Gratitude 11
- Grief 10
- Guilt 2
- Healers 7
- Healing 51
- High Sensation 4
- Hope 1
- Hypervigilance 7
- Introverts 6
- Lonliness 7
- Love 3
- Manifesting 5
- Manipulation 19
- Men 1
- Mindfulness 38
- Money 10
- Music 3
- Nutrition 2
- Overthinking 8
- PTSD 11
- Parenting 12
- People Pleasing 7
- Perfectionism 6
- Pets 4
- Relationships 12
- Resiliency 12
- Sadness 1
- Self Esteem 16
- Self Love 11
- Self Respect 1
- Self-Care 24
- Sex 1
HSPs and the Guru of Illness
In this week's episode, Nikki breaks down and uses illness as a guru in the quest to grow ourselves, heal, and shed what no longer serves. Explore the trappings of critical self talk influenced by what is happening in our bodies before we know our bodies are fighting an illness.
Manipulation and Discernment in Coaching and Therapy
Nikki chats with Crystal to discuss the need for discernment in healing relationships, marketing, pressure sales, the importance of trusting and acting from intuition, healing after falling into the web, subtle gas lighting and values misalignment. This episode may be of particular interest to therapists and coaches who see, feel, and help others through the discombobulation of subtle manipulation.
Speaking Up and a Story About Finding Voice
This week's episode is a story highlighting finding my voice, speaking up, racial tensions in Louisiana in the 90s, workplace family systems, work ethic, transmuting fear through experience.
Tantrums and the Inner Child
The wisdom of a natural child's tantruming release. Helping to heal childhood trauma and emotional neglect through permission for the body to release emotion vs. stuffing it down and controlling it. We look at the the peril in trying to control emotion vs. release it in a healthy way.
Scapegoating and Dealing with Narcissistic Traits
What many of us are dealing with is having grown up in heavily critical and negative households and circumstances and personalities and that leave us with low self worth and esteem. Innerchild work meets us in the psychological spots where we are stuck, stunted, and lost.
Victims, Volunteers, Change
Exploring personal power and personal responsibility as cornerstones of good mental health through the quotes of best selling author, change artist, and mental health professional Dr. Robert Anthony.
Heart, Discernment, Therapy, and Journal Questions
How to deal with the story maker of the mind by listening with the heart. Why we build up walls and how to take them down. This years boundaries course is filling up quick! Register today: https://www.emotionalbadass.com/boundaries
The importance of mental health on a physical health journey
In This week's episode, Soul Care Coach Crystal Catalina and Nikki dive deeply into Crystal's expertise and journey on the importance of peace, presence, environment, celebrating progress and not perfection, and future self identity. Come hang out with both of us, participate by submitting a question for a Special Bonus Livestream at the $5 level at https://www.patreon.com/emotionalbadass Wednesday 8/24/22. Book with Crystal or get on Nikki's waiting list now at https://www.emotionalbadass.com/coaching
Getting Real About Thwarting Depression - Part 2
On today's show; Part 2 of accepting the uncomfortableness in life. How we can use Stoicism to manage the struggle of it with a peaceful warriors mentality. We learn to accept the real challenges of being alive while looking for the beauty and fortification within it all.
Getting Real About Thwarting Depression - Part 1
On today's show; accepting the uncomfortableness in life, and the struggle of it with a peaceful warriors mentality. We learn to accept the real challenges of being alive while looking for the beauty and fortification within it all.
Our Next Pay it Forward for the Next Generation
In this week's episode, Nikki discusses how to give children the opportunity to build the emotional muscles that help them navigate the world, build critical thinking, confidence, empathy, self worth, connection to community, empowerment, resiliency, and self respect---the very things that make them depression and anxiety resistant.
Shower of Light Meditation
In this week's episode we take responsibility of our HSP sponge-like ability to pick up heavy and dark energy and utilize a simple meditation and visualization to help us let go of what doesn't serve us so we can feel lighter and brighter.
Generalized Anxiety or Childhood Trauma Recovery
One of the big things I disagree with now, that I bought into earlier in my career, is generalized anxiety and social anxiety. I want to go over those medical criteria with you through my childhood trauma and neglect lenses.
Critical Thinking, Current issues in Mental Health
Breaking down the problem with biased vs critical thinking. Today's episode explores discernment, good and bad ideas, debate, openness, ego and cognitive bias, scientific validity vs. the validity of emotion, a how-to for teenagers asking for later curfews, and becoming a better negotiator.
Becoming a Boundaries Artist
In this week's episode, Nikki breaks down what you need to become artful with boundaries to be able to give yourself structure, security, and sanity. Understand the power of prioritizing peace and nervous system regulation while letting go of energy zapping people pleasing. Grow self worth and esteem as well as insight and compassion to avoid the codependent trap of approval seeking.
Tips to Hear and Practice Intuition
In this week's episode, Nikki shares tips and simple strategies to expand intuition and resist the pattern of anxiety or anxious overthinking.
Good Men and Masculinity
Happy Fathers Day. Love and light for the men! In this week's episode Nikki discusses male depression and directionality, the simple joy of hugging, why men have been conditioned to not feel, and what is wonderful and lovely about masculinity as the compliment to femininity, and a call to action to let go of the "toxic masculinity" narrative for greater mental health.
My response to the recent school shootings in Uvalde
In this episode Nikki discusses pain, survivor's guilt, grief and loss specific to the crime of murder, the normalization of rage online, and offers a constructive vs. destructive future topic for part 2.
The Breathing Self
Simplifying mind body work is, I recognize sort of what I do. Getting to know ourselves by getting out of the mind and into the body--this is in large part where I believe healing and growth happens. I want to do this today by asking you to consider your relationship with your mind, your body, and spirit.
Visualizations to help with Overwhelm
In this week's episode Nikki goes deeper from the May Patreon livestream topic, Overwhelm, by sharing a few visualization techniques to take power back from overwhelm and respect the personal boundary of enoughness.
Our Courses
The Boundaries Course
Learn to create and maintain boundaries, to help cultivate peace and relieve stress.
Actionable Soul Care Strategies
Tips, tricks, and videos of actionable steps and strategies you can implement to improve your mental health.