Emotional Badass Podcast
Where Moxie Meets Mindful
Regularly ranked in the top 100 of Mental Health Podcasts. Psychotherapist Nikki Eisenhauer,
M. Ed, LPC, LCDC, discusses mental health, recovery, and emotional wellness tools for everyday life. New episodes are released every Sunday.
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Hosted by Nikki Eisenhauer M.ED. LPC, LCDC, International Life Coach and Psychotherapist, Licensed Professional Counselor, Yoga and Meditation Teacher. Emotional Badasses are survivors, thrivers, seekers, healers, HSP’s, and empaths! Expand and awaken to your higher purpose, be more present and authentic, find strength in spirituality, quiet the monkey mind of modern society with a weekly wellness podcast, spiritual tips, healing lessons of wisdom, meditations, mantras, and interviews.
Connect deeply with yourself and safe others. In this mental health podcast, we let go of what doesn't serve us to heal old wounds, find our voice guilt-free, and learn to be the hero in our own story. Embrace guerrilla self-care, and laugh with lightness on the personal development, and mental health path.
This podcast is designed to mindfully be the emotional education so many of us crave, and where we learn to love ourselves without apology. Emotional Badass is where Moxie Meets Mindful. To get exclusive episodes visit our Patreon.
Top 10 in Mental-Health
Top 50 in Health & Fitness
Top 1000 Podcasts of All Time on iTunes
Downloaded in over 100 countries
🏆Semifinalist Health | People's Choice Podcast Awards 2020
Nikki Eisenhauer is an International Life Coach, Licensed Professional Counselor, and Psychotherapist, from New Orleans. She continues building a global healing community on the podcast 'Emotional Badass’, downloaded in over 100 countries and ranked in the top 10 Mental Health podcasts on iTunes in 2020. Nikki was recently featured as a mental health professional on the nationally syndicated TV show, ‘The List’. Learn More
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Episode Tags
- ADD 1
- Abuse 14
- Alcohol 3
- Anger 9
- Bullying 4
- Childhood 37
- Codependency 7
- Covid 4
- Crystal Catalina 4
- Depression 15
- Detachment 2
- Disassociation 4
- Emotions 73
- Existentialism 1
- Faith 1
- Family 24
- Fatigue 4
- Focus 3
- Gratitude 11
- Grief 10
- Guilt 2
- Healers 7
- Healing 51
- High Sensation 4
- Hope 1
- Hypervigilance 7
- Introverts 6
- Lonliness 7
- Love 3
- Manifesting 5
- Manipulation 19
- Men 1
- Mindfulness 38
- Money 10
- Music 3
- Nutrition 2
- Overthinking 8
- PTSD 11
- Parenting 12
- People Pleasing 7
- Perfectionism 6
- Pets 4
- Relationships 12
- Resiliency 12
- Sadness 1
- Self Esteem 16
- Self Love 11
- Self Respect 1
- Self-Care 24
- Sex 1
Re-framing Our Inner Critic
I've never met a highly sensitive person who didn't have an overdeveloped inner-critic. This inner bully robs our progress, dis-empowers, and devalues who we are, especially when our energies are low. Without addressing the inner critic, we are at risk of digging mental health holes that become deeper and more difficult to crawl out of. You were never meant to be in a hole, rather, you were meant to stand tall and proud at the peak of the mountain of life.
Blooming and the Power of Intention
This weeks episode is about coming back to ourselves through the power of intention. I believe every human being can thrive and bloom. Our power to set ourselves up for emotional, mental, physical and spiritual success lies in our mindful choices as we learn more and more, year to year, about who we are and what conditions we can create to thrive.
Age, Maturity, Wisdom, and Reality Testing
Awakenings mature us, force listening & expansion that turns into wisdom. Other human beings help us trust reality & our experience. As we mature, old ideas of youth have fallen away, ideals replace reality. In healing, we learn to accept the inadequacies & immaturity of others & ourselves while we grow into more adequacy, efficacy, & responsibility. By therapeutically providing a positive energy & lessons for our inner children, we fill in our voids, & maturity expands
Letting go, grief, getting to the other side
Lot's in this episode, Ya'll! I hope this week's episode helps HSPs accept, with love, compassion, and kindness, that our gifts are unique. In letting go there is tremendous power as we experience rebirth through the process of awakening. We can fight ourselves and the world or we can let go and use that energy to heal, live, and expand. So much light and love to all the brave Seekers out there. For exclusive Episodes visit https;//patreon.com/emotionalbadass
Adverse Childhood Experiences On the Seekers Path
Many of you have probably heard of the ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences Study.) Here, I break down the emotional and psychological effects of each adverse childhood experience, which completely muck up our natural, healthy boundaries and limits. Because of those experiences, we end up working a lifetime to re-calibrate them. This is one of the main reasons I teach the boundaries course. There's still a few days to sign up at: https://www.emotionalbadass.com/boundaries
The Space Between Meditation
Believe it or not, you don't suck at meditating! I hope this week's meditation episode helps you let go of frustration & resistance to meditating. This is a do less, be effortless, practice ease, and let go of effort-ing kind of meditation. This meditation will be a part of season 3 stripped down meditations available on the Emotional Badass store, release TBD. You can check out Season 1 & 2 right now if you want (Patreon members get our discount code) Light & love! https://www.patreon.com/emotionalbadass
When will I feel the Superpowers of High Sensitivity?
One of the most frequent questions I get asked is some variation of the question 'when will I feel the superpowers of sensitivity' or 'when will I stop resenting that I'm so sensitive' or 'when will this get easier, will it ever be easier?' I hope this week's episode brings you a dose of more than self acceptance, and helps sensitive people fully embrace themselves to be able to feel the beauty vs. the burden of High Sensitivity. For exclusive episodes visit https://patreon.com/emotionalbadass
The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo and Invitations to Spiritual Development
This weeks episode is inspired by a passage from Mark Nepo’s The Book of Awakening. I hope it helps answer part of the question, ‘What is spiritual Development and how do I do it?’ We get one precious life and we can learn to accept the invitations the Universe gives us to find our higher purpose and get to know ourselves internal by not over focusing on what’s external. Light and love.
Depression, Regression, Empowerment, Self Care - PART 1
This episode is my longest solo episode ever, so it's broken into 2 parts. I share my mental mindset tips that helped pull me out of the hole. I want people to know they have power to ward off depression, own who they are, find truths, & plow through to the other side. We can heal & get to emotional security, even if we feel beyond broken
The artistry of being an Empath, finding permission and worth by stepping outside of comfort zones.
How empaths experience the world and the permission to explore, expand, and own our callings. Nikki explores self esteem, resiliency, challenge, vulnerability, and expression. I hope this week's episode offers a deeper understanding of our highly sensitive empathic gifts, and how to grow into our worth by taking up space and claiming our callings. Shout outs to the courageous and inspiring Lisa Tahir and Marianne Williamson. Light and love!
Bob Ross Energy for Fatigue & Stress Management
The Bob Ross inspired episode is HERE! Wisdom from one of my favorite Wise Men, The Joy of Painting creator and PBS star, Bob Ross. I share what he meant to me as a child and how I'm channeling his grounded peace. I hope I do his memory justice with this episode. We dive deep into some of his favorite sayings and unpack the wisdom of 'no mistakes, just happy little accidents.' Light and love, Nikki
How Energy Vampires Effect our Mental Health as HSP’s
What are we made of? Have you been thinking about this since hearing the nursery rhyme; snips & snails & puppy dogs' tails? I HAVE. This episode is about the differences & similarities between HSPs & Energy Vampires. It takes understanding of these dynamics for a HSP to shield (with boundaries) against emotional vampire-ing & stop allowing yourself to get sucked in. As adults we can do what we couldn't as children---learn how to keep energy vampires OUT and our energy IN.
Limits, Intuition, Self Respect and Letting Go
I share something vulnerable and ripe for judgement in this week's episode. A personal story about the highly sensitive struggle to manage stress, create peace, calm, & act in love. Featuring Queen Dagmar. Most Highly Sensitive People& trauma survivors report a love-hate relationship with high sensitivity. Radical personal assertiveness and acceptance is required (yes I'm saying REQUIRED) to shift from sensitivity feeling like a burden to a superpower.
Coping Strategy Meditation for stress management and flow
I'm excited to share with you a passage from a favorite healing book by Paulo Coelho, Warrior of the Light. It inspired a meditation I wrote to help us flow when life throws obstacles in our path. Most of us have heard the fun fact that our bodies are mostly water. I hope this episode and meditation help you feel how powerful you truly are and how you can learn to use your energy & power to flow around, through, above, below, and beyond.
4 Self Care Strategies to Mindfully Check In
Hello Tribe! Today we break down what it means to check in with ourselves & grow mindful muscles to take the very best care of deep, expansive selves. A little intuition vs. anxiety, internal vs. external, and oldie-but-goodie borrowed from Alcoholics Anonymous sayings, HALT: exploring Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired, as a check in strategy. Sometimes it's the simple things that go over our heads or we can over complicate as Highly Sensitive People.
Negotiation Avoidance and Highly Sensitive People
I've had negotiation on my mind, Ya'll. Negotiation. It's as inescapable as grief and we get just as much education in how to do it. Zilch! Nada! Nothing! Sensitives and Survivors can really struggle in the face of the vibes that come from hard-ball negotiation tactics. I hope this week's episode helps shine light on the areas we can own and grow to become better negotiators in life.
Imagination, Positivity, Reframing Life
Imagination, worry, holding onto what's negative and facing change to let go of worst case scenario thinking and Nikki models a script of healing self talk.
Letting go and resisting temptation for recovering people pleasers
On top of the general tensions & chaos of 2020, I'm seeing lots of heartache & change for highly sensitive people. Energies are a-churnin' Ya'll!!!! As we face big changes & big unknowns as a tribe and individually we will be challenged to let go and move on in many ways. I share a story about my old supervisor, Gus, a Spiritual Father, who lovingly helped me when I was a super green therapist & human being & taught me by showing me simplicity & truth in letting go.
Compatibility and Boundaries for HSPs within Relationships
To consider compatibility I had to first understand and accept more about my personality and temperament--not what I thought my temperament and personality were supposed to be, but how I was made, how I am, what's changeable within myself and what isn't. I hope this week's episode opens the conversation of compatibility and workability in partnership to help us strengthen our existing relationship with self, current partners, inner circle.
What I do when I don’t know what to do
Those of us in the Highly Sensitive Tribe can be so so hard on ourselves. I've learned over the years that HSPs and survivors tend to double down on personal pressure to 'just figure it out' when figuring it out might not be on the table in any given moment. This week's episode is about THAT--I share what I've learned to do when I just don't know what to do. Hope you enjoy it! Light and love!
Our Courses
The Boundaries Course
Learn to create and maintain boundaries, to help cultivate peace and relieve stress.
Actionable Soul Care Strategies
Tips, tricks, and videos of actionable steps and strategies you can implement to improve your mental health.